Create Command


The create command in the Padma CLI is used to set up a new Padma project with minimal effort. It includes prompts for selecting configuration options and initializes a project with all necessary files.


Run the following command to create a new Padma project:

npx padma create <project-name>

For example:

npx padma create my-project


  • --force | -f:
    Forces the creation of the project even if the target folder already exists.

    npx padma create my-project
  • --theme | -t:
    Installs a specific theme during project setup.

    npx padma create my-project --theme blank-theme

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Select a Package Manager

During the setup process, you will be prompted to select your preferred package manager. Available options include npm, yarn, and pnpm. If you're unsure, you can select the default one.

Example Prompt:

? Which package manager would you like to use? (npm, yarn, pnpm)

2. Initialize Git (Optional)

You will be asked if you'd like to initialize a Git repository for your project. If you select "Yes," the CLI will automatically set up a Git repository, add all files, and make the initial commit.

Example Prompt:

? Would you like to initialize a Git repository? (y/n)