CLI Commands

API reference of Padma CLI commands.

The Padma command-line tool (CLI) is the main entry point for creating and managing Padma projects. It provides functionality such as running a development server, generating templates, or building your application for deployment.

How to Use Padma CLI

The Padma CLI commands are available via npm. You can run any Padma command by using:

npx padma <padma-command>

Run npx padma --help for full help and a list of available commands.


Create Commands

These commands allow you to create Padma projects or packages:

  • create
    Initializes a new Padma project.

Generate Commands

These commands allow you to create Padma projects or packages:

  • generate core
    Generates the core folder structure in your project.

  • generate theme [theme-name]
    Generates a theme folder inside the packages directory. If no theme name is provided, it defaults to custom-theme.

Dev Commands

These commands allow you to run a Padma project in development or production mode:

  • dev
    Starts a development server for your Padma application.

  • serve
    Serves a built Padma application in production mode.

Build Commands

These commands allow you to build or analyze your Padma project:

  • build
    Generates production-ready code for deployment.